Friday, March 30, 2012

Whale Watching

John 8:36
Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.  

Think about the biggest creature existing on this earth today and you're probably picturing an elephant or bigger still, a whale. The California Grays delight us this time of the year with their migration back to the cold waters of the North after spending time in the warmer waters down South, where the females gave birth. This week, three stories of these whales caught my attention. Trapped in fish netting, a burden that weighed them down, surfacing to breathe became an effort; even threatening their life. Two stories ended with a successful rescue; the net cut away from the struggling mammals.  One whale was not so lucky.

Rescuers attempt to untangle a fishing net from the fluke of a California gray whale off the coast of Southern California. Photo Credit:
 Even when we are feeling strong and powerful in our journey with the Lord, something can move into our path and cause us to slow down, even struggle to find God's breath. Experiencing this in my life with the loss of a house to a fire and even more tragically, the death of my oldest son four years later, I know what it feels like to be pulled down into the deep abyss and wonder if you will ever have the strength again to breach the surface and move forward.

It took a team of experienced rescuers to cut away at the net that wrapped around the tail of these awesome creatures.  It also took some time and patience, but eventually, the whale swam free, surfacing and blowing out as if to thank those that came along side.

Your Heavenly Father sees your struggle and He knows your burden. Trust Him that He will send the Holy Spirit to carefully cut away the net of hurt that holds us back from our purpose.  Sometimes the Spirit uses an experienced team, the Body of Christ to assist. What a blessing when we can look back and testify in thanksgiving what being "set free" really means.

Lord, I thank you today that though I have struggled with burdens that weighed on my heart and slowed me down for a season, your Holy Spirit came to my rescue and allowed me the grace to venture into the deep of your love and mercy, set free to continue the journey. Amen.


Friday, March 23, 2012


Matthew 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

When are you hungry?  

When you first get up?

When you come home from work?

Late night in front of the T.V.?

What is it that you  crave?  Sometimes it is something as common as ice cream or popcorn, while other times it is something from our past,  like Grandma's pot roast or Uncle Vinny's lasagna.

Stomach growling, blood sugar spiking, and irritability rising; a missed meal can pose a problem. 

Parched, dry-mouthed, and weak;  dehydration messes with our electrolytes, important because they make our heart beat in a nice rhythm. 

Can the same apply of our sustenance from the Lord? 

God longs for us to "do the right thing" and sometimes all it takes is a little guidance, a little everyday habit of feeding on His Word and keeping the "pantry" stocked with the staples of the Christ-like surroundings, fresh and ready for those hunger pangs of life. 

Other times,  the Holy Spirit, the Master Chef, invites us to His  banquet table of blessings, serving up a feast finished with the sweet dessert of hope and promise. Alive with His energy ;  we pass on a legacy,  like a favorite recipe for the soul. 

Jesus said,  "but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

Lord, You instruct us to be the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13). How I long to be seasoned like a hearty broth to serve You as you see fit. May I always hunger after you Lord, and rest in the fullness of your Grace. 

Do I hear your tummy rumbling?  

Friday, March 16, 2012

A Devoted Saint to the Emerald Isle

I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Psalm 16:8

It is said that Saint Patrick, Patron Saint of Ireland, drove the snakes out of the country.

The snake-tatooed arms of the Druids were probably more like it.

St. Patrick used a Shamrock to illustrate the Trinity, three parts of one leaf equals one leaf, all are of one leaf, Father Son, Holy Spirit;  All God.                                                                                            
 Tomorrow as you sit down to watch a little basketball, eat some corn beef and cabbage or put a little Bailey's in your Coffee, be reminded of the work done in the name of our Lord many centuries ago. Probably in the 5th century, at  age 16, Patrick was captured and enslaved to Ireland.  After escaping and returning to his home land, he converted, becoming  a True Believer, one set on a mission to spread the Gospel of Christ. He then went back to Ireland to do the Lord's work.

Oh Lord, as I read this prayer, may I be ever conscious of Your Spirit and may I live my life as if I am conscious of this very thing. Amen.
   HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY                                                    
From Saint Patrick's Breastplate
Christ be with me
Christ before me
Christ behind me
Christ in me
Christ beneath me
Christ above me
Christ on my right
Christ on my left
Christ where I lie
Christ where I sit
Christ where I arise
Christ in the heart of every man
who thinks of me
Christ in the mouth of every man
who speaks of me
Christ in every eye that sees me
Christ in every ear that hears me
Salvation is of the Lord.

Friday, March 9, 2012

In Good Hands

Proverbs 4:1 Listen, my son, to a father's instruction; pay attention and gain understanding.

Ted and Corey leaving for San Jose 
For the last six months driving up and working in Northern California during the week has become our normal for my husband and son.  (Well, sort of). This week though, Ted came home two days earlier to see his new heart doctor and attend a Christian rock concert (Mercy Me) with me. He needed a little break. 

My son, stayed up there and took care of business, stepping in for his dad, as  "junior foreman" Thursday and Friday. A great experience for him; he called several times with problems and situations and a little "stress." He confessed to his dad that he possessed a whole new level of respect and appreciation for him.  The expectations, communication,  problem solving, and team work didn't go home with Ted. Put to the"test,"Corey's training proved sufficient. We are proud of him. 

Sometimes, our heavenly Father leaves something in our hands that He trusts us with. When our knowledge turns to wisdom from the Lord, along with patience and a "few prayers home", God's reward for stepping into obedience and responsibility will grow us up into the mature men and women He treasures. 

Lord, in these tough economic times, we thank you mightily for your provision and your protection on jobs far away. Thank you for strong hands and loving arms that train up a child in the way he should go. Thank you for a son who takes the challenge and walks along side his dad. We continue to pray for Your sound direction in his life. Amen. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

Rock of Ages

"Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I." 
Psalm 61:2

These days in So. Cal., and in my neck of the woods, a "rolling stone" rocks the news--but I don't think it's got the "moves like Jaggar." 

A rock weighing in at 340 tons, by dark of night makes a move through the Southland to its new "digs", the Los Angeles Co. Museum of Art (LACMA). Found in a quarry in Riverside Co., one will be able to view it this summer at the museum; an exhibit called "Levitated Mass", created by artist Michael Heizner 


The media contributes to the "rock and road show." Traveling approximately 8 miles a night, the sideline groupies do not take this for granite (pun intended), following its progress each night on the local news. 

David, our Biblical editorialist also reported on a Rock. Follow his journey as you read the Psalms.

The Rock I call on doesn't move. It is not greatly shaken. My Rock is my strength, my refuge, my fortress (Psalm 18:2, 71:3).

He is my Rock and my salvation.(Psalm 62:6).

I remember, He is my Rock, my Redeemer (Psalm 78:35).

Its amazing to watch a rock of such great mass and the vehicle used to transport it, move a great distance.

Even more amazing; to allow THE ROCK to move in and through you on your own journey through the dark, creating in you, a museum piece worthy of His love. 

Lord, you are the steadfast Rock on whom I cling. Blessed be the Lord, my Rock. Amen

P.S. As I write this, the LACMA rock is less than a mile from my house,  waiting patiently until 11:00 tonight to start the move again. I saw it on my way home from work today.