Saturday, October 11, 2014

Prep Time

Isaiah 40:3  A voice of one is calling: "In the wilderness, prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for God."

My son and I, working late into a Friday night, prepare the fruits, lay out the fish, chop up the onions to make cive'che, and continue to prepare for a big fish fry fundraiser planned for tomorrow evening. 

I went shopping. Setting things in order, scraps quickly go in the garbage. I wash dishes and put things away, leaving space, making the way clear for his handiwork with a knife.

Without proper preparation, chaos in the kitchen and a less than satisfactory result could be our outcome.   

Corey set me up with the task of  rolling the limes, slicing and squeezing. Who would know that these little gems of deliciousness together, supply so much juice?

I am following my son's lead, as he has done this before. 

When I shared the event with a friend today, she surprised me by asking if I needed plates and napkins; she would gladly drop them off in the morning for our event. What a blessing! 

Earlier preparation included extensive advertising and of course, several fishing trips to supply and inspire our event. 

We anticipate a fun and successful day. 

Have you prepared your heart for what God wants you to hear--what He wants to stir up in your walk with Him? 

Some of us need more prep time than others.  We don't see the clutter, the garbage in the way. 

Things remain frozen and what we've "caught"...we don't know what to do with. 

Maybe you've "left things out on the counter," always with a good intention, but how things spoil fast!  

Sometimes it takes someone whose experience teaches us how to take a step, encourage us in the right ways to prepare. We begin to read His Word and study to learn, spend more time in prayer, actually attend church and get involved. 

Other times, a blessing comes unexpectedly and we see the goodness of the Lord. It makes us yearn for more. Gratefulness prepares us again into humbleness and to recognize more of His grace.  

When He's touched us,  inspired by the Holy Spirit to grow, sharing comes natural and with God, we boldly tell our story and  anticipate with joy, all He has prepared for us. 

Jesus, He's all about preparation: "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to myself; that where I am, there you may be also."

Clear what clutters, lay out your purchased heart before Him.  Allow Him to make you into a "gem of deliciousness," prepared to receive and serve all His goodness. 

Lord, thank you that you lead us into preparation for all you have for us. You show us, when we humble ourselves before you, where the clutter lies. You gather it and discard it, clearing the way for us to receive abundant life. The results are a bounty of Your goodness and wisdom from Your Word that continues to prepare us to walk everyday in Your light. What You prepare for us--indescribable!  Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed sharing in the preparations! Thanks for always bringing us around and back to the Lord!
