Friday, July 31, 2015

A Necessary Practice

Ezekiel 33:32 "And behold, you are to them like a sensual song by one who has a beautiful voice and plays well on an instrument; for they hear your words, but they do not practice them." 

I committed a foolish act this week. In a moment of thoughtless haste after a long walk in the steamy morning air, I quickly abandoned my exercise clothes and got them into the laundry. The sweat washed away and my hair freshly shampooed, I was glad I conquered the long walk, now ready for the day. Tomorrow arrives with a promise and I prepare myself again for my routine walk, looking for my music, safely downloaded on my I-Pod Mini. Hesitating for a second,  an uneasy feeling came over me as I found my ear buds empty of the player. My thoughts went immediately to the washing machine and what I may find in there. You're guess is correct. I washed my exercise clothes along with my player and my play list. A cute, bright I-Pod Mini lay in the bottom of my machine--sparkly, but dead! 

Someone was anxious and distracted and didn't listen or remember their surroundings.  The music gone, the ear buds and my walk, unnecessarily quiet. 


A majestic lion prowls about in his own environment, Zimbabwe, Africa. He roars with his mighty voice, "I am the boss around here!"  Lured out of a protected, sacred area, he is taunted, hunted. mutilated. Death is a victory, a trophy, but within hours, the thrill of the hunt,  hangs precarious for any future for this hunter as the world places their judgment. 

Someone took a life, for more than just sport, but for the bragging rights, for the power. Cubs are fatherless and The Savannah, now unnecessarily quiet. 


Two young ocean loving fishermen set out on just another day's adventure on the open sea. Storm clouds gather and rain,  imminent. These 14 year old "experienced" best friends according to their family members...their boat is found capsized with no sign of life. The search by Coast Guard officials came up empty all week and officially ends tonight. Private search crews will keep on. 

Someone trusted their abilities, and these youngsters took on more ocean and elements than their "experience" prepared or practiced for. Two families mourn, and what is necessary becomes irrelevant in lost hope. 

Accidents happen. Sometimes prevention just takes some slowing down and a mental checklist. There are many people in this world that do extreme things. While I think the killing of "Cecil" the Lion is definitely egregious, children are hunted and captured for human trafficking and the unborn are dying by the thousands every day.  

The loss of the two boys off the Florida Coast is tragic and heartbreaking. I am praying for the families. We will never know if instruction or whether reports were listened to or not. Their idealistic love and trust of the water and adventure pushed them into an angry sea; not equipped to handle, and it most likely kept them. 

The prophet walked and spoke in their midst, yet the Israelites in haste, in their pride and in their own adventure and curiosity of worldly things, heard...but did not LISTEN. Their ears tickled and it probably felt good for the moment; they did not put into practice what the Prophet foretold. Like a play list, " a sensual song" ...nice for a moment, but washed away in the suds of self. 

Many believe that the Bible does not apply to today's world, that it is archaic, old fashion fairy tales. Many have taken the Word of God and twisted it, rewrote it to fit into today's culture or their own agenda. They'll pick and choose what to believe. Some, don't even use the Good Book as a foundation.  We must,  as believers, as followers of Christ, pay attention, heed and adhere to His Word. It keeps us in worship for we are reminded of God's love, grace and mercy. It humbles us and keeps us from seeking after our own thrones. It opens up our own wounds, for healing and teaches us about true forgiveness. The Word of God protects us and guides us through the storms of our life and teaches us to rely on His truth, in His hope. It promises us a place of unending music. If we allow Him to, God seeks after us and captures our hearts, not for a trophy, but to make us into a promise, worthy of accomplishing amazing things in His Kingdom. He finds us in our darkest places and rescues us from the snare of death. Hear and Listen to His Words and practice them.  You'll learn and grow and find the sweet music of worship and thanksgiving refreshing. 

Lord, thank you for Your Word. It is not just some fancy Words with "Thee" and "Thou" and "righteousness" but Your word gives instruction and a foundation on which to build our lives and make wise choices. You inspired Creation and through Your own breath and sovereign plan, gave us Your Word to know now and for tomorrow, how You plan to put this world back in perfect order in Your time. Not just so our ears our tickled, but Your Words Lord are written so that we can know the truth and decipher from things of this world bent towards evil and what is meant for Your Glory. Lord, help me to continue to glean my strength from Your Word and apply it daily in my life. Lead others to hear and "listen" to Your Word and know the truth. For those who have hidden it deep in their heart, revive it Lord, for such a time as this, a necessary time to practice  and heed instruction for our lives, and for Your coming again. Amen. 


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