Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Name Tag

Romans 5:15 (NIV)

 But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many!

The book of Psalms in the Bible uses the word “trembling” frequently.*  Most of us probably conjure up a negative connotation of this word.

Knees Knocking.                                 
Body Shivering.
Teeth chattering.
Stomach churning.

But David, the Psalmist wants us to understand (Thank you Pastor Brian for this teaching), that trembling* looks more like excitement, anticipation; like a child so gregarious Christmas morning, he's already peeked downstairs waiting for something great to happen.  Running to the bedroom of his parents at 5:00 a.m., he shakes mom and dad awake.  Can you remember?

Jumping up and down.
Eyes wide open.
Heart full.
Can’t wait. Hope.

Knowing what I know, with my experience, I try to live expectantly while praying. (Psalm 5:3)* especially when it comes to my writing inspiration. I can’t wait for those times when He shows me His plan in simple moments, sparks a synapse that keeps my heart beating, my words flowing, like a Holy Spirit Electro-LIGHT! I know it’s going to happen because I am keeping myself connected. 

Have you ever had a “Secret Santa?”  It’s a gift that shows up in your box at work, or on your front porch. Christmas does bring out generous souls. What fun it is to find a gift, tagged with your name only, an unexpected surprise!

You admire the special wrapping.
The heralded way it came to you.
Planned perfectly.
Found and accepted.
It’s treasured.

The Christ Child came that way. Wrapped in love, the angels, like children on Christmas morning, swooped down the stairway from Heaven to peek and wake up those sleepy shepherds in their fields. The Wiseman anticipated, following their insight.

But Oh!  Look!  That Baby has a gift tag and it has YOUR name on it!  His wristband has His name on it, Emmanuel, God With Us.


Will you accept Him?

Peer into His face with trembling awe at what the Savior promises to give you. This Gift truly fills every need, fits perfectly, and never needs batteries.  What’s even more awesome?  Regifting is encouraged! 

Father God, I am so thankful. Receiving your Gift of Your Son makes me smile through all of life’s expected and unexpected moments.  So many forget to unwrap your goodness even though their nametag is written in the Blood of the Lamb. I pray that eyes be made wide open, hearts turn soft, and open arms stretch wide to receive You. Amen.

* Psalm 96:9 Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness; 
tremble before him, all the earth.
* In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.

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