Friday, November 22, 2013

I Am...Thankful

Exodus 3:14 God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM"; and He said, "Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you.'"

Some of us took on an assignment on our Facebook Status updates: 30 Days of Gratitude.  Postings require a certain shout-out to those “things” we probably thank God for every day, (well, we should anyways) like our family, our provision, forgiveness-- to the not so recognized, like a washed car, the Star Spangled Banner, angels.  I’ve enjoyed reading others’ posts while listing mine. 

In this season of thankfulness, I received a reminder. Let’s be thankful not just for our stuff, not for what we do, what others do, but just for the shear knowledge and humble thought of who God is.  For doesn’t all of that stuff, the doing, the receiving come from Him? 

Subtract, cross out, delete all the stuff, all the blessings, the job, even the people…your health, even your family…

Can Thanksgiving still dwell in your heart?

Let’s look to God and God alone in all His Glory; all His sovereignty and say Thank You!

because (and He doesn't need a because) 

…I AM.   

And If God received a “number?”

Three things you may not know about Me…

#1) I thought about you and loved you when I was making the Earth.

#2) I thought about you and loved you when My Father sent Me. I knew your name when as a babe, Mary beheld My Glory.

#3). I thought about you and loved you when I bled and died on the cross and because of those thoughts, that love, I conquered death…for you.

Thank you Lord, for you are All-Powerful, Beautiful, Caring and Compassionate, Divine, Enormous and Eternal, Faithful and Forgiving, Great, Holy, Hopeful and Healing, Indescribable, Just, King, Love, Magnificent and Mindful of us, Nurturing, Omnificent and Omnipresent, Powerful and Personal, Qualified, Renewing and Righteous, Saving and Strong, Trustworthy and True, Unveiling and Unwavering, Victorious, Wonderful, eXcellent, Yielding for us, Zealous to Redeem. You are my God, My Savior, my Portion, and my Deliverer. May I rest only in this knowledge and may it bring an eternal peace to my soul, whatever my status. Amen.  

 Psalm 95:2-3 "Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. For the Lord is a great God."  


  1. This post reminded me of an obscure little book I have--that is written to me from God. The author is from Holland. Scriptures directed at me. I think you would love it, Coleene.

  2. I love your outpouring of thankfulness and so does Our Lord ( I am sure). Great post.

  3. Wonderful post, makes me even more thankful!
