Friday, February 14, 2020

Love in Action

I John 3:18 (NIV) "Little children, let us not love with word or with spech but with actions and in truth."  

Happy Valentine's Day

The New Testament, written in the Greek language, expresses itself clearly when using the word love. When you study linguistics, love--L. O. V. E.--has 4 different translations.

Philia is brotherly love, friendship love.  Storge is familial love, for example, the natural love between a parent and a child. Eros refers to passion, romantic love

Agape love means action, selflessness, charity. When one speaks of God's love, the word used is agape. "For God so loved (agape) the world that He gave us His only begotten son." (John 3:16).  ACTION! 

Valentine's Day celebrates LOVE. I have experienced all of it and I hope you have too. 

We love our friends. Shown to me in a big way this week, a much needed gift of a "new to me" upgraded computer (since this one I'm currently using is old as dirt and unable to support many sites), waited for me in a blue bag with our church logo on it as I arrived to our writer's group this last Wednesday. Someone...well I think several friends who love me and want to see me a bit less frustrated  with technology, got the wheels turning. Thank you AWF. (Aspiring Writers' Forum). Thank you Chino Valley Community Church. Thank you God! 

I love my sons , my family. Uncondionally.

I am in love with my huband, Ted, married 43 years.  

I heard a great story this week about love in action. Agape love, the kind of love that Jesus wants us to "do unto others." I'd like to share it here. 

Isn't that a sweet story? 

Lord, thank you for showing us, teaching us about love. Father God, thank You for Your action of Love for us, Your death and resurrection on the Cross so that we could have a personal relationship with You. Help us to love those around us better. Show us where to display Agape love. Help us Lord to pray more for the world to see and know Your Perfect, unconditional love, Amen. 


  1. Lovely Valentines Week post. I enjoyed learning about the 4 types of love in the Bible. Nice work posting regularly to your blog! This gives me lots of food for thought.

  2. You have experienced all the different types of love because you love well Coleene. Sweet post. :)
