Behold your King is coming to you; He is just and endowed with salvation,
Humble and mounted on a donkey, even a colt, the foal of a donkey."
Palm Sunday is in a few days; the day we, as believers read in Scriptures of the Jesus's triumphant entry into Jerusalem before the dark days to come. Zechariah prophetically proclaimed this event in the Old Testament. We read of it as well in the New Testament as it unfolds.
At the beginning of the verse, we see celebration, a proclamation to rejoice greatly, to even shout! If technology availed itself back then, I guess "all caps" might be used or Instant messaging--Breaking News on our screens.
Let's gather together, celebrate. "Hosanna to the Son of David!"
Let's welcome Him to Jerusalem, roll out the red carpet, clean up the town, fly the banners and cheer Him on! Whoo-hoo, Yeah Jesus of Nazareth!
They placed their cloaks down on the ground for His donkey and the colt to walk over as well as cut palm fronds, a symbol of triumph, waving them as He passed by the crowds.
In a week's time, this same crowd rallied for His arrest, His death, His demise. Their memory of a recent celebration gone as fast as the palm branches discarded. He no longer was recognized as a King, but as a blasphemer.
After His triumphal entry, He went to the Temple where He witnessed a marketplace on the very Holy grounds meant for worship, to present sacrifice-- a place meant for serious spiritual work, a covenat Gift set up long ago. As before, the crowds were caught up in the opportunity to make a buck, take advantage of a crowd, disrespecting their tradition, their heritage, their God.
Such fickle people.
Oh, How I can be the same...
But wait, (there is hope). Let's take a look at the rest of that verse from Zechariah.
Behold! That means..."Hey you, take a look again, pay attention, wait...there is more!"
Your King is coming to you! Even in our wishy-washiness, our apathy, our "Yeah Jesus" one day and our disregard for Him the next day...Jesus is still our King, Lord, sovereign, in charge, Holy...RESURRECTED, ALIVE.
He is JUST. We see that in the overturning of the money changers and their tables. He divides right from wrong, holy from unclean, truth from fake news. Justice goes one step further though, He is ENDOWED WITH SALVATION!
Endowed means to bequeath, establish, equipped to give. Our sin separted us from God. Yet, He made a way through His Son to bring back a relationship, a triumphal victory over all we have done in our fickle and sinful ways.
We can see all this happening in Matthew, Chapter 21. Jesus comes to town with a great welcoming committee. Everybody is cool with HIm. "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!" He goes to the Temple and hands out some justice. Then, He does another God thing. In Matthew 21:14 it says that the lame and the blind came to Him and He healed them.
Maybe our lameness and/or our lack of vision has left us. Is it a possiblity that we have forgotten that Jesus came to triumph over and establish truth and justice...a HOPE in us?
BEHOLD, I am the the Hope of the world.
Father God, as I read again this story, I am reminded of how quick we can get distracted, get caught up, plucked away by worldly desires and fears, removed to just the outskirts of our True Love. Uncertainty covers our planet in the form of a virus that spreads quickly, making us sick and possibly worse. Isn't sin exactly the same? Have we lost our fear of it? Justified some of it? Compromised to appease the masses? We are mortal. We will all face death and in that, I thank you Lord for Victory over it! Jesus, forgive me for those times I am not seeing Your triumphant plan, for not always walking side by side in Your will, but lame in my own wishy-washy thoughts. I am thankful that in a humble prayer, the heavens celebrate our return and encourage us in our desire to continue to see You more and walk with You in triumph and victory. Thank you for turning the tables of sin over in my heart and ridding me of that which is unpleasing in Your sight, I am a work in progress! You did that work of Love on the Cross and we as Believers, received the Victory that glorious Easter Day. As we stay safe in our homes now, away from worldy viruses and connection, may our hearts-- I pray, multitudes of hearts return HOME to You to receive open eyes and discarded crutches-- our excuses for not surrendering in our need. Help us to believe in every moment and not lose sight of Your triumphal plan. Hosanna in the Highest! Amen.
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I found this palm today at a great price in the grocery store! |
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{John Piper} |
Coleene - thank you for your most gracious prayer to Jesus - our lord and savior. As we celebrate Easter, we acknowledge rebirth in both body and spirit. HE will guide us through these uncertain days!
ReplyDeleteThank you Ellen, yes, I believe. He will strengthen us and always gives us hope. ��❤
ReplyDeleteGreat account of Palm Sunday, the week following, our sinfulness & His gift of Easter to us in spite of ourselves. Happy Easter friend! :)
ReplyDeleteInteresting recount of Palm Sunday and our fickle humanity. Nice introduction into Easter.