Friday, March 27, 2020

Have Mercy

Matthew 5:7 "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy." 

Equipped for Mercy 

The USNS Mercy sailed into the Port of Los Angeles today. The 1000-bed ship will serve as floating hospital for non-Coronavirus patients.

"Mercy brings a team of medical professionals, medical equipment and supplies, all of which will act, in essence, as a `relief valve' for local civilian hospitals in Los Angeles so that local health professionals can better focus on COVID-19 cases,'' he said. "We will use our agility and responsiveness as an afloat medical treatment facility to do what the country asks, and bring relief where we are needed most.''

Mercy is a name of a huge ship. But really it is about the people, the jobs, the care, the courage, the do diligence of those placed on board to serve, bring healing and comfort to those recovering from other ailments and/or injuries. 

Essential for Mercy 

Our doctors and nurses, EMT's and various therapists and health providers are risking their own health and beyond by serving all the communities at large at this very moment in time across our country, around the world. They are working without enough protective equipment in this pandemic. The numbers are increasing. Quarantined patients are without their family and visa-versa.Nurses serve not only in the physical care, but in the emotional care of these patients. Who is caring for their anxieties, their mental and emotional health? 

Just like after war, after 9-11, we may see a surge of PTSD in our health professionals. 

Exacting Mercy 

I saw this story today--had to share it.

The merciful:  "those who, through brotherly love, account another person’s misery their own; who weep over the calamities of others; who, out of their own property, feed the hungry and clothe the naked; who admonish those that are in error, inform the ignorant, pardon the offending; and who, in short, use their utmost endeavours to relieve and comfort others." ~ Erasmus, Dutch scholar and Christian philosopher, 1466-1536 A.D. 

Lord, I pray that you equip us with your mercy to serve those in need around us, the wounded in spirit, the bed-ridden in anxiety, the broken, unable to catch their breath. Allow us to be essential in all our thoughts and deeds, in our daily stay-at-home schedules and plans within these dynamics and parameters because of this merciless pandemic. Father God, give us exacting mercy at the time most needed, patience and understanding for each other, and the will and mindset to pursue Your mercy and grace even more. Lord, Your redemption awaits us as Easter approaches, yet Your redemption already empowers us now. There are heroes among us, many in the spotlight and many undercover. However You choose to use us in this time, let us be obedient to Your calling and humble in our approach. Expand our gifts for the greater Good, and multiply Your servants to proclaim the Hope in a world shuttered from Your Light. Thank You Lord for Your mercy given to us, and we pray for You to be merciful again on those in need and the wisdom to embrace it. Amen 

1 comment:

  1. Loved reading about the Mercy ship & people coming together to bring kindness to others. My favorite part was Erasmus definition of the merciful. <3
