Friday, March 6, 2020


Psalm 10:17 NKJV "Lord, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will prepare their heart; You will cause Your ear to hear."

This week, we've seen some out-of-the-ordinary behaviors with the threat of the Coronavirus. Big box stores are running out of pallets of water and toilet paper, to mention a few of the essentials. Seems people are prepping for the possibility of self-quarantine and/or getting ill. Fights are breaking out, tension, anxiety.

Of course it is important to take the necessary precautions, practice common sense and protect those that are more suceptible. 

Humanity acting in fear.

Humanity acting impulsively.

Humanity weakend.

Humanity desperate.


I had a conversation with a dear friend this week. She shared an epiphany about herself, about life in the last few days. Reaching a place where she could relax, let go a bit, stand back, she felt things were falling into place. She could turn and look at her own reflection and say, OK, God, how about You and me; I want to seek Your purpose for me in this time of my life. I'm ready, for You have prepared me for more. I am so happy to hear this. She, more so of course. 

Humanity in Christ, long-suffering and redeemed. 

She felt at peace. 

When I think about this friend, she has ALWAYS brought me peace in our friendship, always reflecting her Lord. 

always serving Him in faith and love.

always persevering through trials.

always seeing a Good God through the hurts of life.

always sacrificing for others. 

She lifted her head and felt His sunshine after a very long winter. Butterflies are sure to come. 

Her prayerful spirit beams a ray of warmth on many, and now she wants to bask in His Love and Light for herself, concentrate on her own soul.  What more is she going to discover? I can't wait to hear about it, share with each other.  


One scenario is about fear and reaction and the other about love and trust. 
Both situations critical, for one person, for many. 

I know in the future, the conversations I hope to have will not be about what we fear, but how we received and reacted to God's provision and protection, how we allowed God to prepare our hearts and lives for His purposes when we followed His wisdom, how He is glorified in preparing us for more and our obedience in that calling. we saw in the darkness and came out the other side. we persevered through prayer and fellowship. we prepared our own hearts to align with God's heart. 

Who among you is truly preparing for eternity? Do we daily prepare our hearts to hear and receive more from the Lord? Is panic setting in or peace? 

Lord, Thank You that Your Spirit continuously prepares us for Your good gifts. Our willing and humble spirits long for and hope to receive instruction, purpose, nuggets of wisdom and insight for this life. Lord, sometimes in preparedness actions, the road ahead may be even harder. You do not show us everything, but teach us to trust You. We see and delight in Your ways. Even in our preparing--obedience, we are shown where and taught how to see Your Grace and provident plan. We know there are seasons where our preparing is for the greater good and other times its for our own personal walk with You. Both Lord, glorify You when we cast out all fear and replace it with faith. We ask You Lord to calm us in times of anxiety, and call on You to lead us into a peaceful place of rest to receive more of Your plan and make You known, until we reach Your prepared Place for us, 

Thankful for Your preparation for me on the Cross.  Amen. 


  1. Lovely way to start my Saturday. Thank you for your beautiful post.

  2. Wow! I’m overwhelmed. A beautiful account of a long heart-felt conversation enclosed in a capsule. My heart burst! Thank you Coleene. Thank you for doing friendship so well. Thank you for the thousands of hours you have listened and for really “hearing” me - I know sometimes it wasn’t/isn’t easy. Thank you for teaching/showing me how to see Him in my every day. Thank you for showing me (by example) how to walk through the hard. Thank you for this beautifully written post. “She lifted her head and felt His sunshine after a very long winter. Butterflies are sure to come.” Yes, butterflies are sure to come.
